
How we Mix 'A La Carte' Photography Pricing with Packages for the Win - TiB Live!

TiB live recording about mixing a la carte photography pricing with packages for the win

Putting together your price list is a daunting process. I know I don't need to tell you that. How often have you tortured yourself over what to charge and which products to include? Not only that, should you opt for 'a la carte' photography pricing or bundle products together into packages?

In this TiB Facebook Live I show you how we combine a simple 'a la carte' price list with three clever packages which leaves both our clients and us delighted with the end purchase.

Ready to dive in?

Here's a summary of what I cover...

  • The importance of the sums!
  • The problem with 'a la carte' only
  • The problem with packages only
  • Keeping things simple
  • Making savings very clear
  • Price anchoring with the top and bottom package
  • Dealing with digitals

If you need more comprehensive, step-by-step guidance on pricing your photography, check out this guide.

Links mentioned -

Julie Christie Photography - Family Pricing

Togs in Business Membership

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